Impact Ecosystem Map

The ultimate directory of social impact organizations, events, jobs and volunteer positions in British Columbia.

Find Impact Organizations

Start your market research, find suppliers or partners, even build a list of prospects, as long as it’s for a greater purpose you’ll find it here.

Find Impact Events

Open up your network and start learning about the world of BC social impact by attending events put on by purpose-driven leaders.

Find Impact Work

Whether you’re looking to volunteer, get a new job, or join a board of directors you’ll be sure these are jobs attached to a purpose.

In Partnership with the Brands for Better Foundation

Brands for Better Foundation is a nonprofit initiative aimed at using the power of brands to do good. They’re a network of value’s-aligned people and brands working to tackle pressing environmental and social issues through events and collaborative opportunities. By recognizing our shared goals, they have generously come on as a partner to expedite the reach of this ecosystem map.

Joel Harrison


Why Help Us Build This?

“Every time I talked to someone about social impact, wether it was a new grad, an entrepreneur, or a creative professional, I wished there was an easy place I could send them to learn more.

There are tons of great organizations in BC to join, to learn from, to buy from, and to work with. But it takes far too long to find.

What if we built a resource that could invite people deeper into this world of social impact? What if we could elevate the exposure and build collaboration with those doing this work? What if we could show ‘everyone else’ what is happening in this community?

With this, we can start building a future where the majority of organizations are making decisions for people and the planet instead of just for profit.

Will you join us and help build it?

Want to Help?

We’re currently looking for partners and collaborators to help make this resource the best it can be. 

Do you have a network to share with? Development abilities? Media opportunities? Let us know!